Hearing Aid Smart

by AlgorKorea Co., Ltd.

Health & Fitness


Korea knows a 64-channel Smart HearingnAlgorkorea 64 Channel Smart Hearing Aid

64채널 보청기 제품을 이용하여 청력검사 및 각종 기능을 사용 할 수 있는 프로그램Programs that can use hearing tests and various functions using 64 channel hearing aid products본 앱은 블루투스 기술을 이용하여 스마트폰을 통해 제품의 다양한 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.청력검사, 모드설정, 볼륨 설정 등 각종 기능을 지원합니다.This app uses Bluetooth technology to enable various functions of the product through the smartphone.Hearing test, mode setting, volume setting, etc. are supported.주요 기능 - 청력 검사 - 자동 휘팅 - 주위 환경별 모드 설정 (일반, 레스토랑/지하철, TV 시청, 운전) - 사용자 지정모드 - 볼륨 조절 - 전원 관리 - 소음제거 - 휘드백 제거 - 잡음 감소 - 최대 출력 - 배터리 잔량 확인main function  - Hearing test  - Automatic Fitting  - Mode setting per surroundings (general, restaurant / subway, watching TV, driving)  - Custom mode  - Volume control  - Power management  - Noise reduction  - feedback canceller  - squelch function  - AGCo  - Check battery level스마트폰의 언어(국가)설정에 따라, 한국어 및 영문으로 자동 변경Depending on the language (country) settings of your smartphone,지원기기 - 안드로이드 OS 버전 4.3.1 이상Supported Devices  - Android OS version 4.3.1 or later----개발자 연락처 :+82-70-4048-7931Programs can use the various functions and hearing tests using a 64-channel hearing aid productsPrograms that can use hearing tests and various functions using 64 channel hearing aid productsThe app can use the various features of the product via a smartphone using Bluetooth technology.It supports a variety of functions, including hearing tests, mode settings, and volume settings.This app uses Bluetooth technology to enable various functions of the product through the smartphone.Hearing test, mode setting, volume setting, etc. It is supported.main function - Hearing - Automatic Fitting - The environment by setting mode (normal, restaurant / Metro, TV watching, driving) - Custom mode - Volume control - Power Management - Remove Noise - Hui feedback removal - Noise Reduction - Maximum - Check the battery levelmain function- Hearing test- Automatic Fitting- Mode setting per surroundings (general, restaurant / subway, watching TV, driving)- Custom mode- Volume control- Power management- Noise reduction- Feedback canceller- Squelch function- AGCo- Check battery levelDepending on the language (country) setting of the smartphone, automatically changed to Korean and EnglishDepending on the language (country) settings of your smartphone,Supported Devices - Android OS version 4.3.1 or laterSupported Devices- Android OS version 4.3.1 or later1. Change main icon.2. Bug fixed : FBC NLMS burn/read.

Read trusted reviews from application customers


Maureen Albon

Looked very interesting but only works with proprietary bluetooth devices. Im not sure which brands it works with as the supplier doesnt say.

Alistair George

Waste of time

Constance/Hector Ramos

I like this app

Janelle Blanford